Friday 23 August 2013

There is a Gardener Here

We all want to become our best and work hard for the things that we want, but sometimes things just don't seem to fall into place like they should. Plans change, things happen, and we feel as though we have been deprived of reaching our full potential and getting what we want from life. It seems unfair and unkind being pruned back and being left with almost nothing to move on with. Despite how alone and down we may be, there is a promise given to each of us, that as we obey and do what we're asked He is, always, there.
Like the little current bush, we have a gardener who know who we are and what He wants us to be. He knows us best, He knows how we can make the most of this life and become our absolute best. Its hard! giving up what we want to do and what we want to be, But the gardener knows what is best for us, so that we can make the most growth. He is there when we are crying, begging for answers as to why, and the answer is always the same 
"I am the gardener here,
 and I know what I want you to be,
 and one day when your laden with berries you are going to say 
Thank you Mister Gardener
 for loving me enough to hurt me." 
Just because there is pain and there is hurt doesn't mean that you are alone and abandoned. Just because you don't like or want doesn't mean you won't benefit from it. You are given hard thing because you will benefit from it! You will be stronger and wiser. You will have greater experience and independence. Most importantly you will be closer to the person who helped you every step of the way, who loved you enough to hurt you, so you could become better. As you move down the road of life, and look back from where you came, you will see how much you have grown, how much you have changed for the better, and you will say, 
"Thank you mister gardener,
 for loving me enough to hurt me."

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