Friday 23 August 2013

There is a Gardener Here

We all want to become our best and work hard for the things that we want, but sometimes things just don't seem to fall into place like they should. Plans change, things happen, and we feel as though we have been deprived of reaching our full potential and getting what we want from life. It seems unfair and unkind being pruned back and being left with almost nothing to move on with. Despite how alone and down we may be, there is a promise given to each of us, that as we obey and do what we're asked He is, always, there.
Like the little current bush, we have a gardener who know who we are and what He wants us to be. He knows us best, He knows how we can make the most of this life and become our absolute best. Its hard! giving up what we want to do and what we want to be, But the gardener knows what is best for us, so that we can make the most growth. He is there when we are crying, begging for answers as to why, and the answer is always the same 
"I am the gardener here,
 and I know what I want you to be,
 and one day when your laden with berries you are going to say 
Thank you Mister Gardener
 for loving me enough to hurt me." 
Just because there is pain and there is hurt doesn't mean that you are alone and abandoned. Just because you don't like or want doesn't mean you won't benefit from it. You are given hard thing because you will benefit from it! You will be stronger and wiser. You will have greater experience and independence. Most importantly you will be closer to the person who helped you every step of the way, who loved you enough to hurt you, so you could become better. As you move down the road of life, and look back from where you came, you will see how much you have grown, how much you have changed for the better, and you will say, 
"Thank you mister gardener,
 for loving me enough to hurt me."

Friday 16 August 2013

Where is My Answer?

   Everyone wants signs and miracles in there lives, they look for visits from angels, and for great miracles that are indescribable, but is that the way we receive answers? Do you really need all the pomp and flair to see Him bless your life? No. "By small and simple things are great things brought to pass" (Alma 37:6)  It is by those little things that He blesses us, answers our prayers, and preform miracles. All we need is to open our eyes and really see how much He is There.
     We have a beautiful world, handcrafted for us to experience this great life and to learn. The world works so perfectly together, opposites balancing one another keeping everything in place. If Jesus Christ, who created the world created a way for so many things to remain in balance, the seasons one with another, the day and the night, could He not make that same balance in our lives? Of course He can! It makes common sense, if Jesus Christ did all of that He can prepare a way for us to have that peace. What is stopping Him? Us.
     It is us that make things complicated and ignore the simple things that He gives us that balance our lives. When something changes or  their is something we want to know, We expect complicated signs and divine messengers to answer our prayers.Why ask for some extreme life altering event when He has given you everything already at your fingertips to accomplish it right now. What a novel idea, having everything in place before you even ask! Isn't that a sign of how eager He is to help you? You are in need of comfort, your parents knock on your door. You are feeling unloved and alone, A friend comes and gives you a hug so you know that they care. All of these people set in your path to help you right now, when you ask for it.
     Who sent these people to knock at that moment? How do they know just what to say to help? It is because of who sent them. They are the angels sent to answer our questions to give that comfort and love. No they didn't arrive with fanfare or with a glowing light or anything that we could see. What we see won't make those changes. It is what we feel. Sure a great sign would look cool and make a great story, but someone that you trust and love, who is constantly there, will help you feel and make that change more than anything you could ever see would. It is the way these people reach out selflessly towards us that makes the difference, it is there action on whatever thought or feeling that made them knock, that made them reach out and comfort you, to answer the questions you want answered. And it is the way we feel when they answer that silent prayer that makes us want to change.
     But you have to ask Him. He will not help you unless you ask for it. Our Savior waits until you choose to ask because the decision is entirely up to you. He loves us and He respects us and knows that it is our choices that will build us up and make us better people. And He knows what will build our faith and make the difference. He asks us to walk blindly, to ask and begin the work towards receiving the answer and then He promises to do the rest. So just ask and act!
       You ask for a sign, he gives it to you. These people are from Him, they know how to help and make the difference. You wanted a sign and help, here it is.Take itMy answers are always given by friends, family, by people I trust, and I cannot doubt the answers I am being given. I don't always recognize the source and feel the gratitude I should for these people and the way they have blessed my life. But they are there just the same. They still answer my prayers.
       We are invested as much as we want to be, but He is invested 100 percent. If we are giving everything to grow closer to Him, He will be there. That is a promise. There is not a single moment that He is not reaching out towards us,  showing His love for us.There is nothing keeping Him from blessing us and from giving us the knowledge that we are striving for. Just us. If we don't want it and we aren't willing to work for it, He can't give it. He gives you signs, angels, everything to accomplish your goal, but its up to you to accept it.
      In the painting above there is something happening, what do you see? Do you see an angel guiding a child? Do you see a sister helping a sister? It doesn't matter what role either is playing in this moment, what matters is the love and intent behind it. Christ loves us, so He guides us. Our families loves us, so they help us. They are always there for us, and they want to help us progress. He is there and and He is waiting. So what are you going to do?